Canada’s AAFC Raises Durum Wheat Seeded Area in July Estimate

Source:  Market Screener

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada made a handful of changes to its July balance sheet compared to the month before.

Based on data released by Statistics Canada, Canada’s agriculture department raised the seeded area for durum wheat by 22,239 acres to 6.365 million for 2024-25. Projected durum production was increased from 5.655 million metric tons in the June estimates to 6.30 million. Exports increased 300,000 tons to 4.8 million, while feed waste and dockage rose 245,000 tons to 662,000, leaving a 100,000-ton rise in estimated carryout at 800,000 tons. The projected carryout for 2023-24 was 350,000 tons.

However, AAFC cut its seeded area in 2024-25 for all other types of wheat by 299,000 acres to 20.401 million. Production rose by 191,000 tons to 28.937 million. Exports moved up by 50,000 tons at 20.55 million, while feed and dockage waste also increased by 141,000 tons at 4.676 million. As a result, ending stocks remained at 2.45 million tons, 100,000 more than in 2023-24.

Projected canola area for 2024-25 rose by 612,821 acres from the June estimate at 22.007 million acres with production increasing by 528,000 tons at 18.628 million, according to AAFC. Exports went up by 100,000 tons at seven million, while feed and dockage waste added 28,000 tons to 327,000. The projected ending stocks were down 400,000 tons at 2.1 million, 350,000 tons more than the 2023-24 carryout.

Barley area for 2024-25 was trimmed by AAFC by 748,729 acres at 6.385 million, while production was down 988,000 tons at 8.508 million. Exports were down 100,000 tons at 2.95 million, while feed and dockage waste were projected to decline by 534,000 tons to 5.079 million. Ending stocks would fall by 350,000 tons to 600,000, compared to 650,000 tons in 2023-24.

Soybean area for 2024-25 rose 160,619 acres from the June report at 5.743 million acres, according to AAFC. As a result, estimated production increased by 202,000 tons at 7.102 million. Exports were raised by 50,000 tons at five million, while feed and dockage waste was up 2,000 tons at 348,000. Ending stocks were up 150,000 tons at 520,000, AAFC said. Soybean carryout at the end of 2023-24 was 415,000 tons.

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