Argentina has completed sowing soybeans

Source:  Zerno On-line

Sowing of soybeans in Argentina is fully completed, Zerno On-Line reports, citing the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange.

The sowing area under soybeans has been expanded to 18.4 million hectares, 1, 1 million hectares more than last year.

Despite the rains of the last few days, the proportion of areas with sufficient moisture in the soil increased by only 3 pp. Therefore, precipitation is still needed for normal crop development.

The share of soybean crops in good and excellent condition as of January 29 is 20% (29% a year earlier), in satisfactory – 52% (49%), in poor and very poor – 28% (22%).

Corn sowing is also close to the end. By January 29, 98.7% of the planned 6.6 million hectares had been sown with corn.

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