2024/25 Brazil Corn Estimate Unchanged at 125.0 Million Tons

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The first corn crop in Brazil was 72% planted as of late last week compared to 76% last year according to AgRural. This represents an advance of 13% for the week.

The Department of Rural Economics (Deral) reported that farmers in Parana have planted 98% of their 2024/25 first corn crop. This represents an advance of 1% for the week. The corn is 2% germinating, 97% in vegetative development, 1% pollinating, and rated 4% average and 96% good. In a few areas, farmers switched some of their intended corn to grain sorghum due to lower production costs.

Emater reported that corn in Rio Grande do Sul was 78% planted as of late last week and the crop is generally rated in good condition. The forecast is calling for dryer weather in far southern Brazil. It is not a problem for corn today, but it is something to watch going forward.

The Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (Imea) indicated that the safrinha corn acreage in the state will decline slightly compared to last year due to the delayed start to soybean planting (see prior article). Additionally, safrinha corn planting in central Brazil will be concentrated during the last half of February and early March and any extended wet weather during that period could delay planting past the ideal planting window.

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