Black Sea & Danube Grain Market

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Online analytics focused on grain markets of the Black Sea & Danube region: Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Moldova, Kazakhstan.

We analyze markets of wheat, barley, corn and their processed products.


Market Reports
Weekly and daily market reports by UkrAgroConsult provide market operators with information on main trends of the Black Sea & Danube grain market. We offer proffessional analysis of short-term and long-term trends of the grain market.

S&D Estimates
Supply and demand estimates of major cereal crops in the Black Sea & Danube countries. Follow the recent changes in estimates, crop condition and forecasts, get access to historical estimates of UkrAgroConsult and other world agencies.

Cash Prices
Daily updates of export and domestic prices (FOB, CPT, EXW), quotations at world exchanges. Historical data, comparative charts and downloadable price tables are also available in

Export Statistics
Monthly export trade flows by country. We show traded volumes, destinations and more than 10 years of historical data. Make charts, compare data sets and download data into Excel files when required.

Production and Stocks
Monthly statistics of food industry production and stocks in the Black Sea & Danube countries (wheat flour, fodders, groats).

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