Ukraine. Precipitation stopped long-lasting drought


Crop condition. Warm weather with near normal precipitation rates was registered on October 1-10. Weather conditions were favorable for growing winter grains.

Moisture supply. Rain of various intensity was seen almost all over the country. Precipitation somewhat changed the conditions for planting and growing of winter crops and stopped long-lasting drought, UkrAgroConsult reports.

Insufficient soil moisture in winter crops and in fields intended for their planting – in the eastern and southern regions. – The eastern and southern regions are exposed to unfavorable conditions for the completion of planting and fall growing of winter crops. The sprouts are late and sparse.

Weather forecast for October 15-18. Precipitation (15-25 mm, locally up to 35 mm) – in the western and central regions. The North, East and South will see no precipitation.

Air temperature will be +15 … 17°C in the West, +19 … 21°C in the North and Center, +21 … 23°C in the East and South.

Precipitation in the western and central regions will favor emergence of winter crop plants, heavy rain may lead to waterlogging.

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