Winter rapeseed planted in Ukraine in optimal terms is 45% less than last year

Source:  GrainTrade

Due to the dry weather in August and September, winter crops are sown very slowly in Ukraine. On the left bank, the planned 1.123 million hectares of winter rapeseed will not be planted in time for the optimal timeframe.

According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, as of September 16, winter rapeseed is still being sown in 18 regions of Ukraine, while in Volyn, Lviv, Rivne and Ternopil regions the sowing has already been completed. Currently, 688.4 thou hectares or 61% of the planned 1.123 mln ha have been planted with winter rapeseed, while last year on this date 999.6 thou hectares or 82.5% of the forecast were planted. In addition, winter crops were planted on 360.3 thou hectares or 7% of the forecasted 5.188 mln ha, compared to 584.6 thou hectares or 11.4% of the last year’s area, and are being sown in 19 regions of Ukraine.

In particular, as of September 16, the following crops were sown:

  • winter wheat – 340.3 thou hectares or 8% of the forecasted 4.479 mln ha (514 thou hectares last year),
  • winter barley – 16.5 thou hectares (47 thou hectares last year) or 3% of the forecasted 638.5 thou hectares
  • winter rye – 3.4 thou hectares (24 thou hectares) or 5% of 70.5 thou hectares.

In the next 7-10 days, no significant precipitation is expected, and temperatures will reach 20-25°C, which will not allow to accelerate sowing. However, farmers will not sow rapeseed in dry soil in the absence of precipitation forecasts.

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