Wheat cultivation in Russia has become unprofitable

сбор урожая

The unprofitability of wheat cultivation in the Russian Federation is becoming increasingly obvious, as farmers reduce the area sown due to rising costs and low prices. The president of the Russian Grain Union, Arkady Zlochevsky, noted that optimistic forecasts for a grain harvest of 140 million tons have no real basis. According to him, the actual harvest in 2025 may amount to only 125 million tons, and taking into account adverse weather conditions and a decrease in the area under wheat, the figures may be even lower.

The condition of winter crops is of concern, as insufficient snow and cold fronts threaten crops. Zlochevsky emphasized that the harvest will depend entirely on spring weather conditions, in particular on soil moisture. Currently, 80 to 85% of winter crops are in satisfactory condition, but the risks of crop failure remain high. Experts predict that wheat production in 2025 could drop to 80.1 million tons, the lowest level in three years.

Export restrictions and rising production costs are making wheat production uneconomic. Zlochevsky noted that poor storage and transportation conditions are causing a significant portion of the grain to lose its quality, making exports difficult. As a result, farmers are shifting to more profitable crops such as soybeans or sunflowers. This trend could have a significant impact on world wheat prices and food security in importing countries.

Further development of the grain sector in the Black Sea and Danube region will be discussed at the 23 International Conference BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV on April 24 in Kyiv.

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