Wheat conditions continue to deteriorate in France


Last week in France, the share of winter soft wheat sown in good and excellent condition fell by another 2% to 50%, 18 p.p. less than a year ago. This is reported by the state agency FranceAgriMer.

By July 22, only 41% of the area under winter soft wheat had been threshed (76% on the same date last year and 67% on average over the last five years),

The condition of corn crops has slightly improved. The proportion of crops in good to excellent condition rose by 1% over the week to 82%, up 1pc on a year ago

Winter barley harvested from 93% of the area, 6 p.p. less than at the same date last year and 4 p.p. less than the average for the last five years.

Harvesting of spring barley is also delayed. By July 22, spring barley was harvested from 31% of areas, which is 54 p.p. less than at the same date last year and 30 p.p. less than the average for the last five years.

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