USDA analysts increased the estimate of the harvest and ending stocks of Ukrainian wheat


World wheat production in the 2024/25 season is forecast at 797.23 million tons (+3.44 million tons compared to the previous forecast). This is evidenced by the data of the USDA report for March.

The forecast of world wheat exports is 208.07 million tons (-0.92 million tons). Experts have increased the forecast of ending wheat stocks in the world to 260.08 million tons (+2.52 million tons).

The forecast of the wheat harvest in Ukraine has been increased to 23.4 million tons (+0.5 million tons), the export forecast has remained unchanged – 15.5 million tons. Ending stocks will be at the level of 1.69 million tons (+0.4 million tons).

The forecast for the US wheat harvest is unchanged at 53.65 million tons, the export estimate is 22.73 million tons (-0.4 million tons), and ending stocks are 22.3 million tons (+0.68 million tons).

Forecast for major wheat exporters for MY 2024/25:

Country Harvest, mln tons Export, mln tons Reserves, mln tons
Argentina 18,5 (+0,8) 11,5 (0) 4,5 (+0,8)
Australia 34,1 (+2,1) 26 (+1) 3,22 (+0,61)
Canada 34,96 (0) 26 (0) 4,59 (0)
EU 121,3 (0) 27 (-1) 10,59 (0)
Russia 81,6 (+0,1) 45 (-0,5) 10,34 (+0,6)

USDA analysts forecast wheat production in China in the MY 2024/25 at 140.1 million tons, imports estimated at 6.5 million tons (-1.5 million tons), and ending stocks at 129.1 million tons (-1.5 million tons).

Further development of the grain sector in the Black Sea and Danube region will be discussed at the 23 International Conference BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV on April 24 in Kyiv.

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