Ukrainian carriers start a protest on the border with Poland

Source:  Censor.NET

Ukrainian carriers have launched a protest near the Yagodyn-Dorogusk international checkpoint in response to Polish farmers blocking truck traffic.

It is noted that 15 trucks of Ukrainian carriers and approximately 20 cars arrived at the border in a convoy.

The protest started at about 11:00 a.m. in Yagodyn. Law enforcement officers are on duty at the site of the action. The drivers placed posters on the trucks with inscriptions in Ukrainian, Polish and English.

The Ukrainian carriers and drivers who joined the protest plan to stop and obstruct the movement of Polish truck drivers who bypass the general queue at the Dorohusk-Yagodyn checkpoint.

It is not yet known how long the action will last. Preliminary, Ukrainian carriers plan to stay at the border until March 10.

As a reminder, on February 9, Polish farmers began a blockade of three checkpoints on the border with Ukraine, and on February 12, the protests spread to two more checkpoints. On Tuesday, February 13, five border crossing points between Ukraine and Poland were blocked.

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