Ukraine’s grain exports exceeded 8.6 mln tons

Source:  AgroTimes

As of September 16, in MY 2024/2025 Ukraine exported 8 mln 676 thsd tonnes of grains and pulses, up 2 mln 774 thsd tonnes or 47.0% compared to last year.

This is reported on the website of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

Exports of Ukrainian wheat amounted to 4 mln 752 thsd tonnes, which is 1 mln 926 thsd tonnes or 68.1% more than last year.

Ukrainian farmers also exported 1 mln 166 thsd tons of barley and 7.5 thousand tons of rye.

Exports of Ukrainian corn amounted to 2 mln 505 thsd tonnes, which is 41 thsd tonnes or almost 1.6% more than last year.

In addition, 14.6 thousand tons of flour (or 19.5 thsd tons in terms of grain) were shipped abroad, which is 17.7 thsd tons or more than half as much as last year.

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