Ukraine to expand winter rape plantings for the 2022 harvest


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This season, Ukraine harvested 2.9 MMT of rapeseed in 2021 with a yield of 2.86 MT/ha (real-time harvest progress data as of late September).

According to official statistics, 2.95 MMT of rapeseed had been harvested as of November 1, 2021 with a yield of 2.95 MT/ha.

The rapeseed crop increase had a positive impact on export statistics of rapeseed and rapeseed products.

The export share in the rapeseed crop fell from 90% to 87.9%.

As for 2022/23 outlook, as of November 15, 2021, the planted area of winter rape already equaled 1023.4 Th ha (99% of the projected 1028 Th ha) vs. 867.9 Th ha a year earlier (86% of the projected 1009.5 Th ha);

In view of more favorable conditions for sowing winter rape in 2021 than last year (when a severe soil moisture deficit was observed) along with peak prices in both domestic and export markets, winter rape plantings are expected to expand, UkrAgroConsult reports.

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