Ukraine set historical sugar export record

Source:  UkrSugar
2024 became a record year for the domestic sugar industry — Ukrainian sugar producers set a historical record for sugar exports, sending 746.3 thousand tonnes of sugar to foreign markets for $419 million. This is the highest indicator of sugar exports within a calendar year according to statistics, which dates back to 1997, when the National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine («Ukrsugar») was established.
40% of exports in 2024 came to the European Union countries, 60% were exported to the Global market.

On the Global market, the main countries-importers of Ukrainian sugar were the MENA countries (Middle East and North Africa) and North Macedonia.

Further development of the grain sector in the Black Sea and Danube region will be discussed at the 22nd International Conference BLACK SEA GRAIN. EUROPE-2025 on February 13 – 14 in Prague.

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