Ukraine lifts ban on export of rye and mineral fertilizers
“Government has lifted a ban on rye and mineral fertilizer exports. For such goods, the automatic licensing mode was introduced,” the report states.
According to the ministry, Ukraine’s ending wheat stocks have been estimated at about 73,000 tonnes, and grain production output is expected to reach about 351,000 tonnes. This will allow the country to meet the annual domestic demand of 353,000 tonnes.
In addition, as the sowing campaign has ended, the demand for mineral fertilizers is significantly lower. Meanwhile, directing the surplus of such commodity items to exports will increase the country’s foreign exchange earnings, which is an important prerequisite for economic recovery.
A reminder that, in early March 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduced a zero quota on rye and mineral fertilizer exports. Such measures were needed to ensure the availability of these critically important goods in the Ukrainian market.
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