Ukraine harvested more than 44.5 mln tons of crops

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

Ukraine has harvested 44.5 mln tons of new crops on an area of 12.5 mln hectares. A total of 31.9 mln tons of grains, 11 mln tons of oilseeds and 1.7 mln tons of sugar beet were harvested.

  • wheat – threshed on an area of 4.9 million hectares, harvested 22.3 million tons;
  • barley – 1.41 million hectares were harvested, with a harvest of 5.5 million tons;
  • peas – 212.2 thou hectares were harvested, with a total harvest of 465.3 thou tons;
  • corn – 514.5 thou hectares were harvested, with a harvest of 2.4 mln tons;
  • millet – 68.2 thou hectares harvested, 132.0 thou tons harvested;
  • buckwheat – 66 thousand hectares harvested, 99.4 thousand tons harvested;r
  • rapeseed – 1 265.9 thou hectares were harvested, 3.4 mln tons of seeds were harvested;
  • sunseed – 2.4 million hectares were harvested, 4.9 million tons of seeds were harvested;
  • soybeans – 1.3 million hectares harvested, 2.6 million tons of seeds harvested;

In terms of gross grain harvest, the leaders are agricultural producers in Odesa region – 4.1 mln tons, Poltava region – 2.4 mln tons, and Vinnytsia region – 2.3 mln tons.

In terms of yields, farmers in Khmelnytsky region are ahead with 63.4 c/ha, Ivano-Frankivsk region – 58.6 c/ha, and Bukovyna – 5.7 t/ha.

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