Ukraine harvested 26 million tons of grain

As of mid-September, grain and pulses crops were harvested on an area of 6,770,000 hectares (61%) with a yield of 3.84 t/ha, 26 million tons of grain were threshed, including:
- 4.7 million hectares of wheat were threshed (99%), with a yield of 4.10 tons/ha, 19.2 million tons were threshed;
- 1.6 million ha (100%) of barley were threshed, with a yield of 3.47 tons/ha, and 5.5 million tons were threshed;
- 109.4 thousand hectares of peas were threshed (98%), with a yield of 2.29 tons/ha, 250.7 thousand tons were threshed;
- 12.2 thousand ha (0.3%) of corn were threshed for grain, with a yield of 5.23 tons/ha, 63.7 thousand tons were threshed;
- buckwheat was threshed on 40.5 thousand hectares (34%), with a yield of 1.44 tons/ha, 58.5 thousand tons were threshed;
- millet was threshed on 25.9 thousand hectares (58%), with a yield of 2.27 tons/ha, 58.6 thousand tons were threshed.
In addition, harvesting of sunflowers and soybeans continues. Farmers harvested sunflower on an area of 478 thousand hectares (10%), threshed 924 thousand tons of seeds with a yield of 1.93 t/ha. Soy was harvested on an area of 71.5 thousand hectares, (5%) 172 thousand tons were threshed with a yield of 2.41 tons/ha.
Rapeseed harvesting has been completed – on an area of 1 million 92 thousand hectares, (100%) 3.1 million tons of seeds have been threshed with a yield of 2.86 tons/ha.
Sugar beet digging continues for the second week, 334 thousand tons of sweet roots have already been dug up with a yield of 53.7 t/ha, the area is 6.2 thousand ha, (3.5%).
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