Ukraine exported more than 7 million tons of grain in the current season

The volume of exports of grain and pulses crops from Ukraine in the 2022/23 FY as of September 23 amounted to 7.2 million tons, which is 43% less than last season.
This is evidenced by the data of the State Customs Service published by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.
Thus, 2.45 million tons of wheat have been shipped since the beginning of the season, which is 68% less than last year’s volume.
The supply of barley to foreign markets amounted to 622,000 tons (-82%).
Also, 2.6 thousand tons of rye were exported, compared to 28.7 thousand tons in the same period last year.
Almost 4.1 million tons of corn were exported, which is 3 times higher than the volume of shipments on the same date last season (1.4 million tons).
The export of flour from Ukraine in the 2022/23 MR amounted to 21.3 thousand tons, which is 36% behind the indicator of the previous season.
For reference: in 2021/22 MR, the export of grain and pulses crops amounted to 48.6 million tons: wheat — 18.7 million tons; barley — 5.8 million tons; rye — 161.5 thousand tons; corn — 23.5 million tons; flour – 70.9 thousand tons
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