Ukraine. Corn exports again outpaced last year’s figure

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

The volume of exports of grains and pulses from Ukraine in 2022/23 MY as of March 17 amounted to over 35.4 mln tonnes, down 21% compared to the previous season.

This is evidenced by the data of the State Customs Service, published by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

Thus, since the beginning of the season, 12.2 mln tons of wheat have been shipped, which is 34% less than last year.

Barley supplies to foreign markets amounted to 2.2 mln tons (-61%).

Also, 16.7 thousand tons of rye were exported, which is significantly less than last year’s 161.9 thousand tons.

Ukraine exported 20.7 mln tons of corn, which is 2% more than the same date last season (20.3 mln tons).

In 2022/23 MY, Ukraine exported 108.3 thsd tonnes of flour, up 58% compared to 68.4 thsd tonnes on the same date last season.

For reference: in 2021/22 MY, Ukraine exported 48.6 mln tonnes of grains and pulses: wheat – 18.7 mln tonnes, barley – 5.8 mln tonnes, rye – 161.5 thsd tonnes, corn – 23.5 mln tonnes, flour – 70.9 thsd tonnes.

Further development of the Black Sea and global grain and oilseeds markets will be discussed by UkrAgroConsult analysts and leading agribusiness operators at the EURO GRAIN HUB Exchange & Forum on April 26-28 in Bucharest, Romania.  Join the key stakeholders from the Black Sea region, Central & Eastern Europe and Balkans, contributing to the global commodity supply chain.

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