Ukraine. 40% of corn remains unharvested in the fields

As of the first day of winter, harvesting of grain and pulses crops was carried out on an area of 9.4 million hectares (85%) with a yield of 4.44 t/ha, 41.9 million tons of grain were threshed, including:
- 4.7 million hectares of wheat were threshed (100%), with a yield of 4.12 t/ha, 19.4 million tons were threshed;
- 1.6 million hectares (100%) of barley were threshed, with a yield of 3.51 tons/ha, 5.6 million tons were threshed;
- peas were threshed on 111.5 thousand hectares (100%), with a yield of 2.34 tons/ha, 261 thousand tons were threshed;
- 2.5 million ha (60%) of corn for grain were threshed, with a yield of 6.13 t/ha, 15.5 million tons were threshed;
- 115,000 ha (98%) of buckwheat were threshed, with a yield of 1.36 tons/ha, 157,000 tons were threshed;
- millet was threshed on 42.9 thousand hectares (96%), with a yield of 2.32 tons/ha, 99.5 thousand tons were threshed.
In addition, sunflower harvesting was carried out on an area of 4.6 million hectares, (97%) threshed 9.9 million tons of seeds with a yield of 2.17 tons/ha;
- soybeans were planted on an area of 1.5 million hectares, (98%) threshed 3.6 million tons with a yield of 2.42 t/ha;
- rapeseed cultivation was carried out on an area of 1.1 million hectares, (100%) threshed 3.2 million tons of seeds with a yield of 2.89 c/ha;
- sugar beets were dug up on an area of 17.35 thousand hectares, (97%) 8.6 million tons of sweet roots were dug up with a yield of 498 tons/ha.
Agrarian farms in Mykolaiv Oblast have finished harvesting this year’s crop of all agricultural crops, and Vinnytsia, Volyn, Zhytomyr Oblast, Ternopil Oblast and Chernihiv Oblast have harvested sugar beets.
Agricultural producers of Vinnytsia threshed the most grain and leguminous crops – 3.7 million tons. In second place is Kirovohrad region – 3.4 million tons. The third position is occupied by Dnipropetrovsk region – almost 3 million tons.
The highest yield of grain and pulses crops among the farmers of Khmelnytskyi region is 6.74 t/ha.
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