UK imports wheat and corn at high rates

Source:  AHDB

Updated UK trade data for December 2024 confirm that imports of wheat and corn remain high, although the pace of grain imports slowed slightly in December. At the same time, exports of British grains, including barley, wheat, and oats, showed a slight increase.

Since the beginning of the season (July-September), UK wheat imports totaled 1.70 million tons, which is 60% more than in the same period last year and 74% higher than the five-year average. Germany, Canada and Denmark remain the main suppliers, which indicates the superior quality of imported wheat for the milling industry. The overall forecast for the 2024/25 season envisages imports of 2.75 mln tonnes, with 62% of this volume already imported by the middle of the season.

As for the exports, from July to December 2024, the UK barley exports totaled 257 thsd tonnes, down 37% compared to last year and 65% below the five-year average. However, in December, the barley exports reached the maximum of 68 thsd tonnes, which is significantly higher than the September’s minimum of 22 thsd tonnes. According to the AHDB forecasts, in 2024/25 season the total barley exports may reach 500 thsd tonnes.

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