Tajikistan to harvest 880 thsd tons of wheat in 2024

Source:  ASIA-Plus

The total production of cereal crops in Tajikistan this year amounted to more than 1.17 million tons, of which about 880 thousand tons was wheat.

Cotton production in the country, on the contrary, decreased by 27.5%, which is associated with unfavorable weather conditions this year, as well as with the redistribution of agricultural resources in favor of food crops.

According to official statistics, in January-November 2024, the volume of gross agricultural output in Tajikistan amounted to 67.2 billion somoni. This figure is 11.3% higher than the level of the same period last year.

The increase is observed in all key sectors. Thus, the total volume of crop production for the period amounted to 48 billion 28.2 million TJS, which is 13.7% more than in 2023.

Livestock production amounted to 19 billion 172.6 million TJS (+5.6%). Production of meat of large and small livestock amounted to 295.8 thousand tons, which is 5.5% more compared to the same period last year. Poultry meat production increased by 4.2% and amounted to 18.33 thousand tons.

Experts attribute these results to the introduction of modern methods of work and government support.

Tajikistan’s annual demand for wheat is more than 2 million tons. Almost half of this volume is provided by domestic production – the country’s wheat harvest averages about 1 million tons.

Due to the increase in population, Tajikistan intends to increase wheat imports to 1 million 285 thousand tons per year and its own wheat production to 1 million 32 thousand tons.

Further development of the grain sector in the Black Sea and Danube region will be discussed at the 23 International Conference BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV on April 24 in Kyiv.

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