Spring wheat harvest is nearing completion in the US

Source:  Zerno On-line

By September 22, spring wheat harvest in the United States has been harvested from 96% of sown areas. This is reported by the agency Zerno On-line with reference to the National Agricultural Statistics Service under the U.S. Department of Agriculture (NASS). At the same date last year 95% of spring wheat acreage was threshed, the average for the last five years – also 95%.

Soybean harvesting has been completed on 13% of the planted area and corn harvesting on 14%. Soybean and corn harvesting rates exceed the average and last year’s rates.

Sowing of winter wheat by September 22 was carried out on 25% of the planned area, which is more than the same date last year (23%) and the average for the last five years (24%).

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