Spring weather in Romania will favor corn and sunflower sowing

Source:  UkrAgroConsult
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Spring weather of 2025 is much better y/y. The rainfall is significantly higher than the last 4-5 years, except for parts of the Oltenia area, the Giurgiu and Teleroman areas, where crops are less developed due to lower precipitation.

Even if there were periods of positive temperatures and the crops came out of the winter dormancy, they are still in danger only in the case of frosts of minus 10-15°C without a snow cover.

Farmers are preparing for corn and sunseed seeding. According to National Meteorological Administration (ANM) the weather will gradually warm up. Next week temperatures will reach +25°C, allowing to seed corn and sunseed. More rains expected after March 24 will create better conditions for spring crops germination. Good rains are expected in the southern and south-western counties, where soil needs more moisture.

After a good rain forecast, some farmers reported they are still going to bet on corn this spring, due to significant domestic demand and low stocks of quality corn in Romania. Thus, final planted area of corn and sunseed might be higher than initial forecasts of Ministry of Agriculture, depending on quantity of rains in March and April.

Further development of the grain sector in the Black Sea and Danube region will be discussed at the 23 International Conference BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV on April 24 in Kyiv.

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