South Korea’s FLC purchases about 65,000 t of feed wheat from the U.S.

Source:  MarineLink

The Feed Leaders Committee of South Korea (FLC) purchased approximately 65,000 metric tonnes of animal feed wheat from the United States on Wednesday in a private transaction without issuing a tender to international buyers, European traders reported.

Wheat was estimated to have cost $249.99 per ton, c&f. Plus a $1.50 surcharge per ton for port unloading. Trading house Pan Ocean was thought to be the seller.

If the shipment originates from the U.S. Pacific Northwest Coast, it will arrive in South Korea between April 15 and May 1.

The reports reflect the opinions of traders, and it is still possible to estimate prices and volume later.

The deal was made after a separate purchase of 65,000 tonnes of feed wheat by South Korean importer NOFI on Wednesday at the same price. Michael Hogan reported the story.

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