Since mid-July, the occupiers have damaged more than 100 port infrastructure facilities in Ukraine


Since mid-July 2023, the Russian army has damaged 105 port infrastructure facilities and 6 civilian buildings. The cost of restoring the damaged facilities is currently being assessed.

This was announced by Yuriy Lytvyn, Head of the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority”.

As a result of the massive attacks, the following facilities were damaged or partially destroyed:

  • 10 silos
  • 2 pipelines;
  • 34 administrative buildings;
  • 26 warehouses with vegetable oil and fuel;
  • 93 vehicles;
  • 69.7 thousand square meters of grain storage facilities;
  • 62 thousand tons of grain cargo.

Russian shelling of port infrastructure also killed three people and injured 12. A list of destroyed and damaged property is currently being compiled and the cost of restoring the facilities is being estimated.


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