Shares of Ukrainian agroholdings have reached their highest value since the beginning of the war


On Thursday, February 13, the WIG-Ukraine index of Ukrainian stocks on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) reacted with an 11.64% increase to the talks launched by US President Donald Trump on ending the Ukrainian-Russian war.

According to the WSE, the share price of Milkiland increased by 18.42%, KSG-Agro by 14.56%, IMC and Agroton by 13.49% and 7.17%, respectively, and Astarta by 7.28%.

Currently, WIG-Ukraine has reached 509.54 points, the highest level since the beginning of the war, when it fell from 574.37 points to 361.98 points in one day.

In addition, Kernel’s shares rose by 26.1%.

On Thursday, the share price of MHP agricultural holding on the London Stock Exchange rose by 8.39%.

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