Romanian farmers put forward demands to the authorities regarding imports from Ukraine

Румунія протести

Romanian farmers are demanding that the authorities take decisions at the EU level to protect them from the impact of Ukrainian agricultural imports on the European market.

The letter was sent to President Klaus Iohannis, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolac and the relevant minister Florin Barbu in connection with the upcoming meeting of EU agriculture and fisheries ministers.

The Alliance for Agriculture, which unites several farmers’ organizations, sent an appeal.

As stated in the article, the farmers propose to create and launch a system by April 30, 2023, which will provide that the purpose of agricultural products from Ukraine will be determined before they are imported into the EU (for import, transit, etc.). According to the proposal, the goods must be weighed, the data entered into the system and “be available to all interested parties.” They want to do this to ensure that the supplies go in full to where they were intended.

The association also wants to introduce import limits for agricultural products based on annual or quarterly averages for 2021-2022.

In addition, farmers from Brussels want to be alerted and automatically apply “fuses” at the national level in case of violations of the rules by the owners of agricultural imports or their carriers in the territory of any of the member states.

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