Refutation of the Financial Times information: the EU will not impose restrictions on agricultural products from Ukraine

Source:  Агрополіт

The Ukrainian government checked the media information about the possible EU introduction of protective tariffs on new Ukrainian goods and did not confirm it. This was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Olga Stefanishyna in Brussels, writes “Evropeyska Pravda”.

During a working visit to European institutions, Stefanyshynа emphasized that the European Union has no plans to introduce new tariffs on Ukrainian goods. According to her, the information spread by the Financial Times about the possible restoration of duties on the import of Ukrainian sugar and eggs from June 28 turned out to be false.

The publication previously reported that starting Friday, the European Union intends to restore tariffs on Ukrainian sugar and egg imports, using an “emergency brake” designed to appease farmers who protested across the EU in early 2024.

Acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Taras Vysotskyi, also announced that the European Commission may introduce import duties on Ukrainian eggs in the coming days, as Ukraine has exhausted the quotas for the supply of this product to the EU. According to him, Ukraine has already exhausted this year’s quotas for the export of sugar and oats to the European Union.

As for sugar, its import is closely monitored by the EU executive. Two sources briefed on the matter singled out sugar as a likely candidate for controls, saying imports of the commodity already exceed the emergency curb limit.

It should be noted that on May 13, the Council of the EU extended temporary trade preferences for Ukraine for another year – until June 5, 2025. The EU has provided for an emergency braking mechanism for sensitive goods, in particular honey, cereals, corn, poultry, eggs, oats, if imports exceed the established volumes.

“No new decisions regarding the return of customs duties on Ukrainian goods are currently planned by the EU,” said Olha Stefanishyna.

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