Port of Constanta transshipped 13 million tons of Ukrainian grain this year

Source:  Latifundist.com

In 2023, the port of Constanta in Romania shipped 32.6 million tons of grain, setting a record for exports. The share of Ukrainian grain amounted to 40% of the total transshipment volume of the port. It is reported by Hellenicshippingnews.com.

The previous annual record was just over 25 million tons. Ukrainian grain amounted to 13 million tons, or about 40% of the total transshipment volume. In 2022, the volume of transshipped agricultural products from Ukraine amounted to 8.6 million tons.

“Romania is seeking to increase its transit capacity for Ukrainian grain to 4 million tons per month, and it is currently modernizing the rail and road infrastructure in and around the port with EU funds. Moldova, which borders Romania and Ukraine, is also modernizing its checkpoints and railroad infrastructure to facilitate transit,” the report said.

As a reminder, in 10 months of 2023, more than 11 mln tons of Ukrainian grain were exported through the Romanian port of Constanta.

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