Malaysia’s palm oil production, exports and stocks fell sharply in January

Source:  Zerno On-line
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Malaysia’s palm oil exports in January 2025 fell to 1.17 million by 13% in January 2025 compared to December 2024, Zerno On-line reported, citing the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB).

Palm kernel oil exports collapsed by 41% to 56,700 tons. Palm oil cake exports remained at December levels at 177.4 thousand tons

Crude palm oil (CPO) production in January fell to a multi-month low of 1.24 million tons, down 17% from the previous month. Palm kernel oil production fell 14% to 290.9 thousand tons and palm kernel cake production fell 13% to 151.8 thousand tons.

CPO stocks decreased by 12% to 788.9 thousand tons, processed palm oil – by 3% to 790.8 thousand tons.

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