Кремль угрожает “рисками” в случае продления “зернового соглашения” без участия России
The Kremlin has threatened “risks” to the parties that dare to continue the “grain deal” without Russia’s participation. This was stated by Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov during a conversation with journalists, Interfax reports.
Commenting on Ukraine’s proposal to Turkey to extend the “grain deal” without Russia’s participation, he noted that “if something is formalized without Russia, these risks must be taken into account.”
“This is certainly an issue that requires comment from our military, because we are talking about a zone that is directly close to the combat zone, and without appropriate security guarantees, certain risks arise there,” Peskov said.
According to him, in this matter, Russia “cannot say to what extent and which countries are ready to take these risks.”
As reported, the day before, the Russian Foreign Ministry officially announced that without Russia’s participation, the Black Sea Initiative would cease to function on July 18. Among the main reasons for refusing to extend the grain deal, the ministry cited a ban on the import of spare parts and equipment for the production of agricultural products and fertilizers into Russia, and the freezing of accounts of Russian agricultural companies.
It is also noted that the conditions for the resumption of the Togliati-Odesa ammonia pipeline and the connection of Rosselkhozbank to the SWIFT international system have not been met.
Later, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that he had sent letters to Turkey and the UN with a proposal to extend the grain deal despite Russia’s withdrawal from it.
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