“Kernel increases sunseed processing by 10%

Source:  Open4Business

“Kernel, one of the largest Ukrainian agricultural holdings, processed 816 thsd tonnes of sunflower seeds in the third quarter of fiscal year 2024 (FY, July 2023-June 2024), up 10% year-on-year and in line with the previous quarter.

“At the end of February, the Group launched a start-up initiative at a new oilseeds crushing plant located in western Ukraine, which crushed 24 thousand tons during the reporting period. At the time of publication of this report, the plant is reaching full production capacity,” the company said in a report to the Warsaw Stock Exchange on Wednesday.

According to the agroholding, two of Kernel’s oilseed processing plants in Kharkiv region are out of operation due to their proximity to the Russian border and the war zone. The assets continue to be subject to regular attacks and suffer serious damage. One of these plants is currently in an emergency condition due to its location in the epicenter of hostilities. Both assets were fully impaired in 2022.

At the same time, sales of sunflower oil in January-March 2024 increased by 40% compared to the same period in 2023 and reached 382 thousand tons, totaling 1,090 thousand tons in the first nine months of FY2024, up 33% year-on-year.

Sales of bottled sunflower oil accounted for 5% of total sales (19 thsd tonnes) in the third quarter of FY2024.

Although the profitability of sales was relatively stable in the third quarter of FY2024, compared to the previous quarter, EBITDA per tonne of oil sold decreased by 36% to $131, as the profit for the previous quarter was exceeded by a one-time insurance payment caused by material damage and business interruption.

As a result, EBITDA of the Sunflower Oil segment decreased by 34% to $50 million in the third quarter of fiscal year 2024 for the nine months ended March 31, 2024.

The Oilseeds Processing segment generated $184 million in EBITDA for the agricultural holding, down 16% year-on-year.

“As of March 31, 2024, Kernel had a relatively good supply of sunflower seeds: 511 thousand tons of seeds were in stock. Together with further purchases in April-May 2024, this will ensure that the agricultural holding’s plants will be operational until mid-summer, with a further switch to rapeseed processing at some plants, which was already practiced a year earlier.

“Following the progress of the processing season, we have revised our estimates of the sunflower harvest for 2023 and are increasing the harvest of seeds in Ukraine from 14 to 14.5 million tons,” Kernel said.

At the same time, since April 2024, the group’s enterprises have been experiencing problems with electricity supply caused by Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s generating and distribution infrastructure. This has led to increased downtime and reduced productivity, although the impact is still manageable, the agricultural holding explained.

“Kernel also said that in June-July 2024, it plans to commission a sixth cogeneration thermal power plant with an installed electric capacity of 22.5 MW as a generating capacity at its recently launched oilseed processing plant in western Ukraine.

“This renewable energy capacity is of great importance, especially given the plant’s planned capacity and the upcoming power outages in Ukraine in the fall and winter of 2024,” Kernel emphasized.

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