Kernel can export up to 100 thousand tons of grain and 20 thousand tons of oil per month with its own fleet

Source:  Rail.insider

Kernel Agro Holding can export approximately 100 thousand tons of grain and 20 thousand tons of sunflower oil per month by its own vessels. The company reports.

“We have purchased a new vessel Rotterdam Pearl V, which is capable of exporting more than 50 thousand tons of grain. Now our fleet already includes three vessels, which can export approximately 100 thsd tonnes of grain and 20 thsd tonnes of sunflower oil per month,” the company said in a statement.

The company added that it continues to invest in expanding maritime logistics capabilities for the Ukrainian agricultural industry.

“Our own fleet has been providing Ukrainian exports to the Mediterranean and North-East Atlantic countries for more than a year and allows us to manage costs along the entire logistics chain. The development of our own shipping, in particular, does not force us to fix tonnage from the market, which is unprofitable during the period of inflated freight rates during martial law,” the statement said.

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