Kazakhstan reduced crops of rice, wheat and cotton

Source:  Zakon.kz

Minister of Agriculture Aidarbek Saparov at the government meeting on July 23, 2024 announced the results of work on diversification of sown areas, Zakon.kz reports.

According to the head of the Ministry of Agriculture, since the beginning of the year the volume of gross agricultural output has increased by 3.4% and reached 1.6 trillion tenge.

“This year, the total sown area amounted to 23.8 million hectares. In accordance with the instruction of the head of state, the plans for diversification of sown areas for the current year in the republic as a whole have been achieved. The area of wheat has been reduced by 450.3 thousand hectares, at the same time the area of oilseeds has been increased by 608 thousand hectares, sugar beet – by 9.4 thousand hectares. The area of water-intensive crops was reduced: rice – by 6.9 thousand hectares, cotton – by 16 thousand hectares,” Aidarbek Saparov said.

He specified that the republican indicator on reduction of areas of monoculture – wheat – was overfulfilled by 4.7%: 450.3 thousand hectares were reduced instead of 430 thousand hectares.

“According to the results of the work carried out to reduce the areas of water-intensive crops indicators on rice are not achieved in Almaty and Zhetysu regions. The plan for cotton is fully implemented, 16 thousand hectares were reduced. For such socially important crop as sugar beet the plan for the republic was not fulfilled by 10.4%. In particular, in Almaty region the plan is fulfilled only by 50%, in Zhambyl region – by 74%”, – said Aidarbek Saparov.

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