June rains in Ukraine replenished soil moisture reserves

Source:  Agravery.com

Conditions for the growth and development of winter and spring crops in the second decade of June were mostly satisfactory. This is stated in the weekly review of experts of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, according to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

“The rains that took place during June in most of Ukraine led to waterlogging of the tilthy soil layer and complicated the technological operations of crop care and harvesting,” the scientists said.

At the same time, precipitation during the ten-day period had a positive impact on replenishing soil moisture reserves.

“In total, 65.7 mm of precipitation fell in the second ten-day period of June, which is 4.4 times more than the ten-day norm. At the same time, the precipitation not only increased the moisture reserves in the soil, but also stimulated the growth of weeds in crops, which can lead to weed infestation of already matured early cereals and legumes,” the report adds.

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