Jordan’s olive oil production surges by 43.2% in 2024/2025 season

Olive oil production during the 2024/2025 season increased by 43.2 per cent, reaching 35,828 tonnes, compared to 25,028 tonnes in the 2023/2024 season.
According to the annual survey of olive oil production in the Kingdom for the 2024/2025 season, released on Sunday by the Department of Statistics (DoS), the oil production rose from 18 per cent in the 2023/2024 season to 19.4 per cent in the 2024/2025 season.
Based on the price survey conducted by the DoS, the estimated value of olive oil produced in 2024 is JD223.9 million, according to the average price in the fourth quarter of 2024.
At the governorate level, the results showed that Irbid ranked first in terms of the quantity of pressed olives and olive oil produced, with 89,200 tonnes of olives pressed and 17,600tonnes of olive oil produced in 2024.
Aqaba recorded the lowest quantities, with 1,300 tonnes of olives pressed and only 0.3 tonnes of olive oil produced.
The total number of olive presses in Jordan reached 148 in 2024, with 146 actively operating.
The olive press survey forms are collected through a comprehensive survey conducted in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture.
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