Indian sugar output to fall below consumption

Source:  UkrSugar

India’s sugar output for the 2024/25 marketing year, ending in September is projected to fall below consumption for the first time in eight years because of reduced sugarcane supplies in key states, a trade body said on Tuesday.

It is reported by Reuters.

The country is expected to produce 25.8 million tonnes of sugar, down 19.1% from the previous year, while consumption is estimated at 29 million tonnes, the All India Sugar Trade Association’s statement said.

Mills in Maharashtra, India’s largest sugar producer, are closing earlier than usual, with the state’s output expected to be 8 million tonnes, down from 11 million tonnes last year, the association said.

The combination of lower production than consumption and estimated exports of 1 million tonnes is expected to reduce India’s opening stock for the 2025/26 season to 3.78 million tonnes, down from 7.98 million tonnes a year ago, it said.

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