In Ukraine, the reserves of productive moisture in the soil are decreasing, and two weeks of drought are expected in the USA
According to the decadal report of the Ukrhydrometeorological center, due to the lack of effective precipitation in May and the maximum consumption of moisture by plants, the reserves of productive moisture in the soil decreased under all crops throughout the country. The lack of rain in the near future will not allow farmers to continue planting corn, so they will be forced to increase the area planted with soybeans and sunflowers.
Moisture reserves decreased the most in the upper soil layer. In the central and southern regions, the upper 5 cm of the soil was almost dry, and 10 cm was slightly moistened. Sufficient reserves of moisture remain at a depth of 20 cm and below, but only winter and early crops with a well-developed root system can use them.
The lack of moisture delays germination, worsens the conditions for the vegetation of crops where seedlings have already been obtained. But in general, the weather in the second decade of May was favorable for the development of winter cereals, which formed an ear at average daily temperatures optimal for this period of development.
Despite the lack of precipitation, the reserves of productive moisture after the historically high levels in April remained at a sufficient level, which contributes to the formation of a good harvest of winter crops.
In the corn belt of the United States in the next 7-10 days, the heat at 25-27 o C without precipitation will allow to complete the sowing of soybeans and corn, but will delay the emergence and development of spring crops. The US Central and Southern Plains have seen showers this week, particularly in the drought-stricken Southwest. They will improve the condition of spring wheat crops, but will not help winter wheat, which will begin to be harvested in June. Moderate rains next week will help soybean and corn planting.
Rains have passed in most agricultural regions of Canada, which will last another week and will allow to accelerate the sowing and development of spring crops. Compared to April estimates, the MSG of the country increased the wheat production forecast in 2023/24 MR by 1.5 million tons to 35.8 million tons, which will exceed the previous season’s figure by 2 million tons.
In Brazil, safrinha corn growing areas continue to experience hot and dry weather, but next week temperatures will drop and moderate rains will pass, favorable for corn and winter wheat plantings.
In Argentina, there were short-term rains that increased soil moisture. Frosts are possible next week, which will stop the growth of wheat. Soy in the country has been harvested on 78.2% of the area, corn – on 26.6%, and the pace of sowing is still inferior to last year.
There were showers in the Mediterranean, in particular in Spain, which was suffering from a drought. The weather in Europe is conducive to the development of agricultural crops, and soil moisture in most of the EU is good.
Short-term rains fell in the Black Sea region, in particular in the east of Ukraine and the south-west of the Russian Federation, which will improve prospects for the wheat harvest. Favorable precipitation for crops is expected in the south of Ukraine next week.
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