In July, Ukraine exported 110,000 tons of grain by road transport


During the July period, 110,000 tons of grain and oil crops were exported by road transport. Rates for domestic transportation remained unchanged.

This is reported by SPIKE BROKERS agency in its Tg-channel.

“There is an increase in the number of requests for transportation by dump trucks in the direction of eastern Germany at the beginning of September from various regions of Ukraine. This allows rates for grain trucks to strengthen in this direction, with a further tendency towards slight growth,” the report says.

The start of corn trading in the direction of Italy creates a small demand for delivery by grain trucks, but does not allow rates to be fixed at a level that can be acceptable for carriers.

Market rates for car transportation:

western Ukraine — northern Italy 105-115€
central Ukraine — southern Romania 65-75€
western Ukraine — eastern Germany 110-120€

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