IKAR lowered its grain harvest forecast in Russia for the fourth time in a month

Source:  Интерфакс

The Institute of Agricultural Market Conditions (“IKAR”) has lowered its grain harvest forecasts for the fourth time this year. According to IKAR Director General Dmitry Rylko, the forecast for the harvest of all grain has been lowered from 132 million to 129.5 million tons, including wheat – from 83.5 million to 81.5 million tons.

The estimate of grain exports in the new agricultural year (July 2024-June 2025) has been lowered to 55.5 mln tonnes from 57 mln tonnes, including wheat – to 44 mln tonnes from 45 mln tonnes.

According to Rylko, the reasons for the decline are large losses from frost in the central regions and Volgograd region, lack of rain in most of the European part of the country, especially in the most productive south.

In 2023, Russia harvested 144.9 million tons of grain, including 92.8 million tons of wheat.

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