Hungary has become the largest sunseed producer in the EU for the first time

The European Commission has slightly lowered its sunseed crop forecast, according to its February assessment of the 2024 oilseed crop.
According to the latest data from the EU Commission, the Union is expected to harvest about 8 million tons of sunflower seeds in 2024, 7,000 tons less than expected at the end of December. This means that the gap compared to the previous year’s volume has widened to 18%, as unfavorable weather conditions during the year significantly limited producers’ potential income and led to lower plantings.
According to the Union for the Promotion of Oilseeds and Grains, founded by the German Farmers’ Association (UFOP), the decisive factor in the downward correction is the lower German harvest. The commission forecasts the country’s harvest at 127,000 tons, down 7,000 tons from December. That’s 25% less than in 2023, but still nearly 20% above the five-year average. Many farmers significantly increased their crops in 2022 due to the sharp rise in producer prices, but cut back again the following year.
Romania’s harvest will be 1.2 million tons, about 38% less than in 2023. Despite the record area, it will be the smallest harvest in 15 years. The country is unable to maintain its leading position and drops to fourth place among the largest producers. Hungary climbed to the top spot for the first time, although it harvested 1.7 million tons, probably 13% less than the previous year’s volume. In France, heavy rainfall had a significant impact on crop development and ultimately on the harvest, according to Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft (mbH) research. Current estimates put production at 1.7 million tons, making the country the second largest producer in the Community, even though the crop was about 18% smaller than the previous year.
Earlier Strategie Grains lowered its forecast for EU sunflower seed production in the new 2025/26 season to 10.4 million tons, while its estimate for rapeseed was raised from 18.74 to 19 million tons.
Further development of the grain sector in the Black Sea and Danube region will be discussed at the 23 International Conference BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV on April 24 in Kyiv.
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