Harvesting of soybeans and sunflower seeds has begun in Ukraine

Source:  GrainTrade

As of August 23, Ukraine harvested 32.02 million tons of new crops from an area of 8.04 million hectares, according to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

In particular, 28.59 mln tons of grains and 3.42 mln tons of oilseeds have been harvested:

  • Wheat has been harvested on 100% of the area (4.8589 million hectares), amounting to 21.74 million tons with an average yield of 4.47 t/ha, which is less than last year (4.79 t/ha).
  • Barley has been harvested on 100% of the area (1.3992 million hectares), with a yield of 5.5 million tons at 3.92 t/ha (last year – 3.98 t/ha).
  • Peas have been harvested on 99% of the area (207.6 thou hectares), amounting to 458.5 thou tons with a yield of 2.21 t/ha (last year – 2.59 t/ha).
  • Millet was harvested from 11.9 thsd hectares, yielding 20 thsd tons.
  • Buckwheat was harvested from 4.3 thsd hectares, yielding 6.2 thsd tons.
  • Rapeseed has been harvested on 98% of the area (1.2277 million hectares), amounting to 3.3619 million tons with a yield of 2.74 t/ha (last year – 2.81 t/ha).

According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, Odesa region is the leader in harvesting, with 1.08 mln ha threshed. The highest average yield was recorded in Khmelnytsky region – 6.55 t/ha.

Farmers in seven regions of Ukraine have started harvesting soybeans and sunseed:

  • Sunseed has been harvested from 1% of the area (46.7 thou hectares), yielding 51.7 thou tons with an average yield of 1.09 t/ha. This figure is higher than last week (0.9 t/ha), but lower than last year (1.93 t/ha).
  • Soybeans were harvested from 6.6 thsd hectares (0.3% of the area), yielding 7.2 thou tons at 1.09 t/ha, compared to 2.73 t/ha last year.

Agrarians in Vinnytsia region have started harvesting sugar beet, which has already been dug up from an area of 200 hectares.

Last year, Ukraine harvested 82.8 mln tonnes of grains and oilseeds. In particular, wheat amounted to 21.6 million tons, corn – 31 million tons, barley – 5.5 million tons, and oilseeds – 23 tons.

Grain exports from Ukraine are currently 60% higher than last year. According to the State Customs Service, as of August 23, 2024/25 marketing year, Ukraine exported 6.385 mln tonnes of grains and pulses, 2.683 mln tonnes of which were exported in August. Last year on this date, exports amounted to 3.832 million tons, of which 1.558 million tons were exported in August.

Grain exports at the moment are as follows:

  • Wheat – 3.089 mln tons (last year – 1.597 mln tons).
  • Barley – 1.089 mln tons (last year – 440 thsd tons)
  • Rye – 0.3 thsd tons (last year – 0.6 thsd tons).
  • Corn – 2.185 mln tons (last year – 1.788 mln tons).

Flour exports in the current season amounted to 9.2 thsd tons, including 8.4 thsd tons of wheat flour. Last year, as of the same date, 18.7 thsd tonnes of flour were exported, including 18 thsd tons of wheat flour.

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