Grain harvest in Kazakhstan this year is expected to be 20 mln tons

Source:  Vласть

According to the data of the Ministry of Agriculture, which it announced at a meeting in the government, this year’s grain harvest is expected to be at least 20 million tons.

As of today, 11.3 million hectares of grain and leguminous crops have been harvested, or 67.9%. With an average yield of 1.47 t/ha, 16.7 million tons of grain have been harvested. The total harvested area of agricultural crops in the country this year is 23.3 million hectares.

At the same time, it is reported that the Ministry of Trade and the Atameken Chamber have been instructed to expand the priority markets for agricultural exports, not limited to the traditional ones, such as Central Asia, China, Afghanistan and Iran, but also to work out new directions – the EU countries, North Africa, Southeast Asia, etc. The Ministry of Transport have been instructed to work out new directions. The Ministry of Transport were instructed to provide “an effective mechanism to support transportation of exported agricultural products.

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