German Food and Agriculture Minister opposes ban on imports of Ukrainian grain by some EU countries
German Minister of Food and Agriculture Cem Özdemir spoke against the unilateral bans on imports of agricultural products from Ukraine imposed by individual EU countries. He stressed the need to show solidarity with the inhabitants of Ukraine suffering the invasion of Russian troops.
It is necessary “to do everything if the route (exports of agricultural products) through the Black Sea will continue to be used by Russia as pressure,” Özdemir stressed.
Poland and Hungary unilaterally banned imports of grain, oilseeds and other agricultural products until June 30 on April 15. Warsaw and Budapest explained these steps by their desire to protect the interests of local farmers who are dissatisfied with the drop in prices of agricultural products due to Ukrainian supplies.
At the same time, on May 2, the European Commission introduced a temporary ban on imports of wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower seeds from Ukraine to Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia as a measure to support its own farmers. The transit of these goods through 5 European countries to other EU countries or beyond its borders can continue, Brussels noted. Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia pledged to lift their unilateral bans on wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower seeds as well as other products coming from Ukraine, the EC said.
Brussels’ decision was expected to be valid until June 5, but earlier this month, the European Union extended the temporary ban until September 15. Brussels explained the need for restrictions by “exceptional circumstances,” including logistical difficulties and a lack of storage capacity.
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