German biodiesel exports reach record high

Source:  OleoScope

German biodiesel exports have increased for the third year in a row in 2024 and, according to the Federal Statistical Office, have reached a new high of 3.2 million tonnes.

The Netherlands is the hub of international biofuels trade and remains Germany’s most important trading partner to date. Shipments increased by 20% compared to the previous year and amounted to more than 1.4 million tonnes. Exports to Belgium increased by 80% to 638.3 thousand tonnes, making the country the second-largest buyer of German biodiesel. In contrast, exports to the United States fell by 40% to 271.9 thousand tonnes.

German biodiesel imports amounted to 1.6 million tonnes, down around 3% from 2023. The largest volumes came from the Netherlands, Belgium, Malaysia and Austria. Particularly impressive is the increase in imports from Belgium, up 51% or around 151,000 tonnes to 447,000 tonnes. Shipments from Malaysia increased by almost 6%. The suspected fraudulent imports from China were also apparently mainly imported via Rotterdam in 2024. According to the Federal Statistical Office, China only shipped 4,000 tonnes directly to Germany.

According to the German Union for the Promotion of Oilseed and Grain Cultivation (UFOP), the redirection of trade flows is due to Germany’s greenhouse gas emission policy and the associated competition for efficiency in their use. According to the union, due to increasing commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the trend towards further reductions in diesel consumption, HVO – waste cooking oil – is currently the only alternative on the diesel market.

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