EU countries increased oilseed processing volumes in August

Source:  Oilworld
подсолнечное масло

According to Fedoil August oilseeds processing in the EU continued to increase, reaching 3.48 million tons, which is 224 thousand tons (or 7%) more than in July (3.25 million tons) and exceeds the level of the indicated month of 2023 (3.24 million tons).

In particular, rapeseed processing in the indicated month reached 1.88 million tons (1.66 million tons in July; 1.49 million tons in August 2023), soybean – 1.21 (1.14; 1.15) million tons, sunseed – 384 (448; 367) thousand tons.

Thus, the total volume of oilseeds processing in the EU since the beginning of 2024 reached 26.78 million tons with processing capacity of 31.04 million tons compared to 25.60 million tons in January-August 2023, including rapeseed – 13.32 (12.65 million tons, soybean – 9.47 (9.55) million tons, sunseed – 3.99 (3.41) million tons.

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