EU Council approves launch of accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova on June 25


The ambassadors of the European Union have confirmed their readiness to start membership talks with Ukraine and Moldova. The talks are scheduled to begin on Tuesday, June 25.

This is reported by Le Point.

“The ambassadors have agreed in principle to a framework for EU accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova. The Belgian presidency will convene the first intergovernmental conferences on June 25,” the source said.

It is noted that the decision should be officially approved at a ministerial meeting on June 21.

“The EU Council has approved the EU’s common positions, including the negotiation framework, for accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova. This paves the way for the launch of the negotiations on Tuesday, June 25 in Luxembourg,” the Belgian Presidency of Platform X said in a statement.

The intergovernmental conference with Ukraine is scheduled for 15:30 local time, with Moldova – for 18:00.

Earlier, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that Ukraine had fulfilled all the requirements, so the EU should start negotiations with Ukraine on membership this month.

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