Dry weather conditions in early summer worsen crop prospects in the EU
In early June, “contrasting weather conditions” on the territory of the European Union led to the fact that the yield potential of oilseeds and grains went down. This is the conclusion reached by MARS analysts in their June report.
“Drought in northwestern, northern and north-central Europe has increased soil moisture deficits, negatively impacting potential yields of winter and spring crops. At the same time, excessive rainfall was recorded in parts of Italy, Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia, resulting in waterlogged fields and an increased risk of pest infestation,” the document said.
As for oilseeds, rape yield estimates are down 1% for the month to 3.29 t/ha (-1% for the year, +6% for the past 5 years). In contrast, the forecast for soybeans was increased by 1%, to 2.89 t/ha (+29% for the year, +5% for the last 5 years). The indicator for sunflowers remained at the same level – 2.21 t/ha (+18% per year, the same level as in the past 5 years).
Experts also noted that low temperatures in some areas of Bulgaria and Romania along the Danube River resulted in delayed sowing and early sprouting of summer crops.
In the grain group, the estimate of the average yield of soft wheat in the EU was reduced by 1% to 5.92 t/ha, durum wheat by 2%, to 3.40 t/ha (+5% for the year, -3% for the last 5 years), winter barley by 2%, to 5.91 t/ha (no change for the year, +2% for the last 5 years), spring barley by 4%, to 3.73 t/ha (-11% for the year, -11% for the last 5 years). Corn yield forecast was maintained at 7.61 t/ha (+29% annual, +2% in the last 5 years).
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