Corn remains unharvested on 6% of the area in Ukraine

Source:  UkrAgroConsult
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As of February 16, 2023, grain and pulses crops were harvested on an area of 11.2 million hectares (98%) with a yield of 4.8 t/ha, 53.9 million tons of grain were threshed, including:

  • 5 million hectares (100%) of wheat were threshed, with a yield of 4.05 tons/ha, 20.2 million tons were threshed;
  • 1.7 million ha (100%) of barley were threshed, with a yield of 3.47 tons/ha, 5.8 million tons were threshed;
  • peas were threshed on 118 thousand hectares (100%), with a yield of 2.28 t/ha, 269 thousand tons were threshed;
  • corn for grain was threshed on 4 million hectares (94%), with a yield of 6.69 tons/ha, 26.5 million tons were threshed;
  • 116 thousand ha (98%) of buckwheat were threshed, with a yield of 1.37 t/ha, 158.5 thousand tons were threshed;
  • millet was threshed on 44.7 thousand hectares (99%), with a yield of 2.28 tons/ha, 101.8 thousand tons were threshed.

In addition, sunflower harvesting was carried out on an area of 4.8 million hectares, (99%) 10.5 million tons of seeds were threshed with a yield of 2.18 tons/ha;

  • soybeans were planted on an area of 1.5 million hectares, (100%) threshed 3.7 million tons with a yield of 2.43 tons/ha;
  • rapeseed cultivation was carried out on an area of 1.1 million hectares, (100%) threshed 3.2 million tons of seeds with a yield of 2.86 tons/ha;
  • sugar beets were dug up on an area of 181.1 thousand hectares, (100%) 9.1 million tons of sweet roots were dug up with a yield of 50.19 tons/ha.

Agricultural producers of Poltava region threshed 5.8 million tons of grain.

The highest yield of grain and pulses crops among the farmers of Khmelnytskyi region is 70.8 t/ha, including corn – 8.59 t/ha, in addition to sunflower – 3.02 t/ha.

The highest yield of soybeans among the farmers of Poltava region is 3.01 t/ha.

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