Bulgaria corn crop smallest in 12 years

Source:  World Grain
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Bulgaria harvested its smallest corn crop since 2012 as adverse weather conditions reduced this year’s crop by 37% from the previous year, according to a report from the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the US Department of Agriculture.

The FAS said the 2024-25 crop was impacted by “intense summer heat and drought followed by adverse rainy weather during harvest.”

“The quality of the crop also suffered and is reportedly uneven, with high variations of aflatoxin levels,” the FAS said.

By contrast, Bulgaria produced bumper wheat and barley crops, with wheat posting its second highest total this century at 7 million tonnes, while barley output was the third highest since 2000 at 1.1 million tonnes.

“Domestic consumption of wheat and barley in 2024-25 is increasing due to the substitution from corn for feed and for industrial use, which lowers exportable surpluses,” the FAS said.

Because of this, wheat exports are lagging 10% behind last year’s level, with almost 80% destined for markets outside the European Union, the FAS said.

Barley use is estimated to increase due to the growth in use for planting seeds, for beer manufacturing, and for feed, the report said.

“Barley has been in higher demand by feed mills and especially by pork producers,” the FAS said. “Its lower price compared to wheat is another advantage that has boosted its use.”

Bulgaria’s Ministry of Agriculture reported at the end of January there had been 16% more barley used for feed in 2024-25, compared to the corresponding period the previous year. The brewing industry’s increase in barley usage has been even greater at 64% higher than the same period in 2023-24.

“Despite the higher domestic use, because of the bumper barley crop exports have doubled compared to 2023-24,” the FAS said.

Further development of the grain sector in the Black Sea and Danube region will be discussed at the 23 International Conference BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV on April 24 in Kyiv.

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